Extend The Life Of
Your LEGO® Models

A coating designed to protect new LEGO models
from damaging UV rays

‘Coated for you’ service

Resistant to UV rays

Flake free over time

LEGO models should last!

You've invested a lot of time, money, and energy into building that LEGO model.

The last thing you want is for it to fade before your guests' eyes. After all, if your guests are unhappy with your LEGO model, they may not be willing to visit your resort.

Are you ready to use a coating designed for LEGO?

Protect your LEGO models

Extend the life of your LEGO models by protecting them from damaging UV rays.

Eco friendly
water-based coating

This coating is water-based and will certainly help the planet as well as protecting your LEGO models.

Designed to be flake free

Keep your guests from seeing that’ ugly flaking model. Over time this coating does not flake.

We even give a
FREE masterclass
to your spraying team!

Our experts will train your qualified sprayers with an application masterclass so your team can protect your LEGO models with the correct knowledge and skills.*

We've put our coating through the paces

It passed with flying colours

We put it through 2000 hours of accelerated weather testing (WOM ASTM).
The results…

  • We tested 'Toy Brick Protect' coating on LEGO models and put them through the ASTM G155 test in a lab for 2000 hours. The models were exposed to xenon arc UV in repetitive cycles to represent night and day. Moisture was also present in cycles to replicate weather.
    Following the 2000 hours of the test the results were very little to no change of the colour, no visible change to the gloss and zero flaking of our coating.
    Based on these results, we recommend re-treatment after five years.

Our products and services are used by…


‘Coated For You’ Service

Don’t have the facilities or time?
We offer a spray for you service so your new LEGO models can get the protection they need.



Protect your LEGO models from damaging UV rays. This product contains low VOCs so it is kind to the planet


Protect your LEGO models from damaging UV rays. This product contains higher VOCs so check your local restrictions.

Start extending the life of
your LEGO models

The next steps are easy

Order coating

We are here to help you work out the quantity you require for your LEGO models.

Apply coating

Following a master class your spraying team will have the best knowledge to protect your LEGO models.

LEGO models protected

Congratulations, you are using a coating that is designed for LEGO models.

Do you want to go another season using a coating that hasn’t been designed for LEGO models?

Schedule a call today and we can ensure you have the right coating so adults and children can fully enjoy your resort.


  • We've put our coating through the paces, and it has passed with flying colours. We put it through 2000 hours of WOM ASTM, and after all that time, the LEGO brick had very little change. Based on these results, we recommend re-treatment after five years. The re-treatment would be a refurbishment of the LEGO model to give the model a like-new finish. once refurbished, we recommend a retreatment after five years.

  • To ensure you get the best results we provide you with an Application Masterclass with one of our experts.
    We want you to succeed, so we pass our knowledge on to you.

    *Minimum order quantity maybe applied

  • A LEGO model without a coating is like a house without a roof—it's just not going to stand up to the elements.

    This investment will end up saving you money compared to the cost of replacement due to the LEGO model being faded.

  • We have developed, tested and built knowledge to succeed in a coating that is designed solely to protect LEGO from damaging UV rays.

    The coating is durable and hard-wearing and will protect the colour of your LEGO bricks from the sun so you can enjoy them for years to come.

    This coating protects your LEGO by creating a barrier on top of the LEGO model’s surface. This prevents harmful UV rays from fading the colour of your bricks, allowing you to keep them looking new for longer.